How to uninstall zorin os
How to uninstall zorin os

how to uninstall zorin os

A separate partition used for Zorin should be gone after using the System Image Backup, if I understand it well. I don't see how that would not restore the whole hard disk to it's backed up state, including the partition state. "How to Use Windows 7′s Backup Tools in Windows 8" I just added this in my above post before I saw your reply: Not to lose stuff I always stash everything I want to keep on a memory stick and usually on an external drive as well.

how to uninstall zorin os

Don't remember the term, but it was just the only other option to check. But then I saw the option to choose one of the previously made backups on the external drive. At first it looked as if the only option was to restore from the latest backup, and that earlier made backups were gone. I'm used to making System Image Backups in Windows 7 on an external drive. I already have a hard time with one hour.

How to uninstall zorin os