Fbackup edit crontab
Fbackup edit crontab

fbackup edit crontab

You can amend the logic to suite your needs (e.g. The file date creation is queried with the ls -sort=time argument, and the for loop only deletes files from the 4th iteration onwards. My version 2.0 now uses correct logic which ensures that we retain at least the most recent 3 files (irrespective of current date). NB: I have updated this document to fix the glaring issue in my version 1.0 which would eventually cause file deletion if the ISE server stopped creating backups (since my version 1.0 logic was based on file creation time and deleting any file older than 2 days). And by the way, this process can apply to any file, not just backups. And we don't want to manually delete them either. These backup files are usually huge and we don't need them taking up more space than required. We run daily backups and we have been deleting the old files manually. If you're using a Linux platform as your Config Data Backup repository and you need an automated mechanism to manage the number of files to keep, then I wanted to share what I am using to keep my Cisco Prime and ISE backups at bay.

Fbackup edit crontab